Privacy Policy

The privacy policy of this website ( is talking about how your information is collected by us, why those are collected, how we use your information, and how we disclose your data (if we do). So, to stay aware of what we do with your information, please read the privacy policy carefully. 

The privacy policy was last updated on 01 July 2021.

By browsing the site, you are ensuring that you agree with the privacy policy of the site written here.

Note- has the authority to edit, change and modify any of the privacy policies here at any time.

Changes in privacy policy won’t affect the use of data that was collected in the previous versions of the Privacy Policy. However, if there is any modification that is a reason for changing your right, it’ll be notified through the website.

Collection and Usage of Information

Typically when you browse the website without registering, we don’t ask for any information from you. There are a few common points when we ask for information from you. Below are those-

  1. When you subscribe to the newsletters we send
  2. When you fill-up a form on our site
  3. When you respond to a survey of this site
  4. When you contact us through email or over the phone

The above are the cases when we collect information from you. The information we typically collect from you are-

  1. Your name
  2. Your current address
  3. Your phone number
  4. Your email address
  5. Your shipping details

These are some common public information about you that we typically collect from you. We may ask for other information, but while asking for it, we’ll clearly notify you of the reasons behind collecting the information. 

However, the information that we typically collect is collected for the reasons below- 

  1. To keep your identity separate
  2. To authenticate your existence
  3. To send you our newsletter
  4. To send you e-mails about our offers, discounts, and other information
  5. To notify about changes and modifications sometimes
  6. To let you know information about us that you might be interested in
  7. To communicate with you
  8. To send any product when you order

We only collect your information from the interactions you do on the website or the phone numbers written on this website. We don’t search for and collect your information from any other sources except this website.

Also, the contents you share with us are kept collected. For example- any feedback or review about our site, any information you provide to us while talking to our customer support team, etc. We use this information as feedback on our work and look for further improvement.

Also, when you contact us through support chat, phone calls, or e-mails, we keep a record of those in order to check the performance of our support team or train our new support recruits. Also, we may use those for some of our miscellaneous needs. However, those are kept confidential and only for our use. No third party has the chance to get access to that information.

Sharing Your Information

We are very strict in sharing your information. 

We have to work with a few third parties to continue our operation. To ensure smooth flow of operation we have to share some of your data sometimes with them. 

Also, we share your data with the related parties in case you order any product or service. In such cases, we don’t share all the information we have with them. Only the information necessary is provided. 

Except for these, we are bound to share any information if that is asked by the authorities related to Govt., law enforcement, and legal issues. Also, if we think that any of your information is harmful to the security or integrity of our website, we might share those with related authorities for taking further steps. Also, if you violate our Terms and Conditions of service, we can share your information with related authorities for further action. 

Except for these, we don’t share your information with any other parties.

We don’t sell, distribute or transfer your data to any party like data broker, advertising platforms (except our own advertising agency), people who sell information, or any other parties.

Privacy Policy for Minors

We are not collecting data from anyone who is under the age of 13 knowing that he/she is a minor. Our system is an automated process where anyone can put their data. So, it is not possible for us to recognize someone who is a minor. In phone calls, if we understand that we’re talking to a minor, we don’t record any information about them. However, as soon as we know that we have information about a minor, we delete the information as fast as possible. 

If you’re a minor under the age of 13, don’t provide any of your information like name, physical address, email address, or phone number. If you use our website, please make sure that your parents know this and they have enough knowledge about our website.

We earnestly request the parents to monitor the activities of their children on the internet. Also, you’re requested to use any kind of filtering technology to keep your children away from websites where your minor child can provide personal information.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

To improve the functionality and user experience, we use cookies and some other technologies to track and measure activity and usage. 

Cookies are some text files saved on your device that help us to improve your user experience. Through cookies, we keep track of your preferences in order to deliver you the exact thing you want. Thus, you’ll get an experience that is customized depending on your needs and preferences. 

Also, we use some tracking technologies like Google Pixel, web beacons, etc. that are mainly used to measure the activity. These are some images embedded in website pages and e-mails. 

Besides us, the third parties that are working to deliver services on behalf of us also use such tracking technologies as well as cookies. This is done for improving your experience and measuring our performance. Some of those may contain the personal information you provide. 

By browsing our website, you’re agreeing that we can use cookies and other tracking technologies in our website for the specific purpose those serve.

Third Party Links

As a part of the information we provide, this website contains a lot of third-party links. Enter the third-party websites at your own risk. We always try to deliver you the best experience and that’s why we don’t share any problematic links on this website. But, managing such a huge number of links is a tough task. So, while entering the third-party websites, you have the risk. 

Also, browsing those websites is subject to the ‘Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policies’ of those websites. The ‘Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ of this website are not appropriate for those third-party websites. Similarly, the ‘Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ of those sites are not applicable for this site. 

We don’t have any control over the sites we recommend in the articles of this site. So, don’t forget to check the ‘Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ when you jump to another site from our website.

Any communication with third party websites is totally dependent on only your will and actions. We are not liable for any type of communication and transactions between you and the third party websites. We are only liable for the communication and transaction with us.

Internet-based Advertising 

In our journey, we’ve and will partner with different ad networks and advertising platforms to serve advertisements of other websites containing related content and information. The ads will be personalized sometimes. That means you’ll see advertisements that go with your interest to serve you what you might need. 

To make the ads personalized and relevant, the advertisers might use cookies and other related tracking technologies that can show them your interests and preferences. You’re browsing this website means you’re showing your consent to use the cookies and other tracking technologies.

However, you can opt-out of this from your browser setting if you want. But note that, opting-out won’t stop showing ads, it’ll just stop showing relevant ads. Once you opt-out of it, you’ll see that the ads are not relevant to your preference. Also, after you opt-out, if you use another browser, you’ll see relevant ads again. This is the browser’s own way of blocking the use of cookies.

Security of Your Data

Security of your data is one of the most important things to us. To keep the website as secure as possible, we use physical, procedural, and electronic safety measures that are widely known for security. So, your data is safe in our hands.

While transferring your data, we try to use encryption and necessary protocols to make sure that your data is not being misused by some other party. However, the transfer of data through a public network is not always secured. We do as much as we can do. 

We follow the standards and security protocols to ensure the security of your data. Be sure that there is no lack of effort from our end.

Changes in Privacy Policy

Depending on the situation, the Privacy Policy can be changed anytime. Typically, when we change our Privacy Policy, we show it as a notice on our website. However, still, you’re requested to check the Privacy Policy on a regular basis to make sure that you haven’t missed anything. 

The change of Privacy Policy depends on a lot of issues that we can’t list. And even if we provide a list here, there will be thousands more possible reasons which won’t be there. So, we are not going to talk about the reasons behind changing the Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Privacy Policy of the site, you can contact us through email. You’ll get the details on the ‘Contact Us’ page. We’re trying to make the site more user-friendly and deliver a great visiting experience. So, your feedback and recommendation are very important for us.

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